My Writing Process - Blog Tour

  The assumption is that writing is a  lonely profession. Yet, over the course of a year, I’ve meet word mages, wordsmiths, and scribes who’ve  welcomed me into their community of word weavers. Once such mage is my friend, Ivy of Mommy Dourest, a gifted wordsmith with a flair for the sensual that borders on the hilarious.
She tagged me in a “My Writint Process” blog tour, where writers and authors answer questions about their writing process to give a little insight about how they work and the methods they use in an attempt to help other writers. Great idea right!! Check out Ivy’s answers and find out why I call her a word-mage. 

11)      What am I working on?
I  have many projects in the works at the moment; a compilation of psychological thrillers, editing a paranormal suspense novel and a WIP YA Paranormal/ Urban Fantasy. The one that’s keeping me up at night is the YA novel called Believe. It’s a coming of age  story about a  fourteen year-old girl, a ward of the state living in foster care. When after a series of horrible mishaps, she'll becomes keenly aware of her fanciful heritage.  It's my first outlined story, writing it step by step. Its giving me fits, that I can't just jump ahead.

2)      How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I don’t consider myself a genre driven writer for one. As a Speculative writer, I blur the lines of genres, seeing the world not in black and white, but in a multiple of colors. Consider my story Believe,  it's basically a coming of age story, but the blurred lines are werewolves and clairvoyance. It's fantasy and paranormal. We live in a  multifaceted world, so why not write in multigenres.

3)      Why do I write what I do?
Growing up, my world was an Urban fantasy. I saw abuse, abandonment, murder, and people surviving by selling themselves all while normal people gain entrance into the Legendary League, for standing up against what they saw as injustice with a little magical thing called Faith.
I watched shows like Star Trek, Twilight Zone, Out of Limits and Alfred Hitchcock. My heroes became the strong women in my life, and movie characters like Foxy Brown and Coffy. These marked my world with the possibility.
But my greatest influence was my maternal grandmother who was a prophet in her church. She tutored me in keeping my eyes open, to see the impossible occurring in everyday life. Her influence taught me that we are more than just the physical, but a part of a bigger existence that connects us to each other and the world. 
My motto is: “ I write the unbelievable because the unbelievable exist.”

4)      How does your writing process work?
I’m not as organized as I would like, but I’m beginning  to see the value in outlining the story and working from there.  I’m a Non-linear thinker, letting the creative side of me run rampant, jumping from here to there.  I usually write from a single idea that pops in my head, spending time with it, in my little corner of a room near a window.  I'll spend my day on that one part of the story. It could be as simple as a conversation between characters,  an act,  or  scenery, but once that's done I have a base of a story and I can go from there. I don’t know how but  it comes together in the end.

Who's up next week.

Author Toi Thomas is a self-proclaimed techie and foodie. She enjoys reading, cooking, baking, painting, collecting vinyl records, and spending time with her family. Currently working as a special education teacher’s assistant while blogging and writing full time on her  works in progress. Toi finds comfort and peace of mind in chocolate, green tea, and naps. She married a frat boy who has continued to be her best friend and love of her life. They are now embarking on the adventure of book promotion together with the release of her first novel, Eternal Curse: Giovanni’s Angel. Toi was born in Texas, but considers Virginia to be home. ToiBoxBlog

Author Dyane Forde is a social worker by profession,who views fiction writing as an amazing and intimate communication tool that becomes a means through which she seeks to connect with others on a level deeper than intellect. Her latest book is The Purple Morrow. You can connect with Dyane at  Droppedpebbles 

Copyright © 2013 Glynis Rankin


  1. Glynis, your blog is very informative and such an inspiration. I'm glad I belong to your circle of FB friends.


    1. Thank you so very much Victor!
      Dear FB friend and now Google+ :)


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